另外有關 TV Out 的參數設定和說明: https://community.freescale.com/thread/301648
Sorry, I misread the question. I thought you are using ADV7180. for your case, I think it may be the problem of bootarg. According to the BSP release note, there is an example for TVE output. "video=mxcdi1fb:YUV444,TV-1080P30 di1_primary tve" NOTE: GBR24/RGB565/YUV444 etc represent the display HW interface format, typical value for different display devices is like below: TVOUT: YUV444 VGA: GBR24 HDMI&DVI: RGB24 CLAA WVGA LCD: RGB565 after enable tve, below video modes will be added into di1 FB mode list: TV-1080P24: D:1920x1080p-24 TV-1080P25: D:1920x1080p-25 TV-1080P30: D:1920x1080p-30 TV-1080I50: D:1920x1080i-50 TV-1080I60: D:1920x1080i-60 TV-720P30: D:1280x720p-30 TV-720P60: D:1280x720p-60 TV-PAL: D:720x576i-50 TV-NTSC: D:720x480i-60 so for your case, please try: "video=mxcdi1fb:YUV444,TV-PAL di1_primary tve"
freescale 為已經 phase out(?) 在mantain 狀態的 chip 設立一個 kernel 的 maintain branch:
Submit i.MX53 & i.MX28 Linux kernel patches