ubuntu 在 R40e 上 還有 Debian 在 Sempron 2600 上
2009年2月26日 星期四
AndroidFanatic - News and Forume
有關 Android 網站。
有人在這個網站的討論區 po 出在Android 上 install debian 系統,和 xfce 環境:
AndroidFantaic (為什麼不是 Fantastic ?)
2009年2月25日 星期三
mplayer -vo caca : play video on console
想試試 -vo caca 這個選項,結果 debian 的 mplayer 不會動,說是 audio enable 不起來。
所以拿 source code build 一下..
build mplayer 還蠻容易的..
./configure --help
./configure --enable-caca
就可以了 (沒有 install,因為會install 到 /var..)。
本來想 enable debug 來看一下哪裡 fail,結果,這樣就可以 run 了 :)
-vo caca 還蠻有趣的, console mode player.
但是..用 ssh 連線會閃動。
還有我真的關掉 X (/etc/init.d/gdm stop) run 的話,也會閃。
mplayer 網站說,只提供 svn : ,而且永遠不提供 http:/ 的 svn checkout 喔。
..像這樣的software 一多,我們這種在firewall 後面的就完蛋了.
2009年2月16日 星期一
ARM GCC Inline Assembler
翻譯這一篇 : arm gcc inline assembler cookbok
但是這一篇(GCC-inline assembly Howto)說得比較仔細。
GCC 的 inline assembly 基本格式是:
有一點沒寫到,就是 c variable name 都寫在 operand 後面,用括號( )括起來..
asm(code : output operand list : input operand list : clobber list);也就是一堆用 ':'分開的字串。 其中 'code' 的部份要存取 output operand list , input operand 的內容,是用 % 符號:
%0 代表存取 output operand %1 代表存去 input operand 最後的'clobber' 是要告訴 compiler 有哪些 register 被這段 assembly code 修改了。為了防止 compiler 把這一段 inline assembly code optimize 掉,通常都會加上 volatilr:
asm voltaile("mov %0, ror #01" : "-r" (result) : "r" (value));這段 inline assembly,如果之後的部份都沒有資料,就可以不寫,舉例來說:
asm volatile("mov r0, r0");這只是用來delay的code,沒有input, output,也沒有 register 會被修改,所以後面的 部份都不用寫。 但是如果有資料一定要寫,他的前面部份就不可以省略,舉例來說:
asm volatile("" : : : "memory");這段inline assembly 不包含任何 code,只是告訴 compiler memory 有可能會被修改。 一般為了好看,建議將一堆 assembly 寫成這樣:
asm volatile( "mov r0,r0\n\t" "mov r0,r0\n\t" "mov r0,r0\n\t" );也就是說,分行寫,但是要記得加上 "\n\t" - 這是要讓 compiler listing 時,比較好看。 Input Output Operand 這兩個區域是要告訴 compiler operand 的資料,利用以下 "Constraint" 來通知: Operand Register 的類型:
- f : 是floating point register (有些 cpu 有專屬的 floating point register)
- I : 立即定址 immediate operands
- J : Indexing constants
- K : negative value in rhs
- L: negative value in rhs
- M : for shift
- r : General registers -- ARM 一般用這個
- = : Write-only (通常所有的 output operand 都會加這個符號)
- + : Read-Write (inline assemnly 不支援這個符號)
- & : Output only - 這個register 只做 output 使用
asm volatile("mov %0, %0, ror #1" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value));這個 code 是將'value" right shit 1 bit。 但是用同一個 register 來作就可以。 input operand 用 "0" 告訴 compiler ,使用 第0個operand (就是 output operand)。 所以 input, output 都會用同一個 register (mov %0, %0..)。 Clobbers 把被修改的部份寫在這
asm volatile( "amsd r3, %1, #3 \n\t" "eor %0, %0, r3 \n\t" "addne %0, #4" : "=r" (len) : "0" (len) : "cc","r3" );例子使用了 r3 作scratch register,所以做完這段 code 後,r3的值會被修改,以在clobber的區域要列出 "r3"。 另外,作邏輯運算後,status 區域也會修改,所以要把"cc"也列上。 還有另一個例子:
asm volatile( "ldr %0, [%1] \n\t" "str %2, [%1, #4] \n\t" : "=&r" (rdv) : "r" (&table), "r" (wdv) : "memory" );這一段code會update table 的內容,所以要在....
有一點沒寫到,就是 c variable name 都寫在 operand 後面,用括號( )括起來..
在 "Assembler Instruction with C expression operand" ,範例:大概可以這樣說: assembly code 中,要引用 C 宣告的部份,就要寫在 operand (in/out) 欄位,並且寫號 constrain. 然後用 %0, %1...來使用。 如果是直接存取 register,就直接用 r1, r2, r3... 但是要記得寫在 clobber 欄位。asm ("fsinx %[angle],%[output]" : [output] "=f" (result) : [angle] "f" (angle));在operand 前可以用 [name] 寫出''將會用這'name'名字稱呼''。 然後在 code 區域就可以直接用 %[name] 來引用
Lenny Released
Debain 5.0 Lenny 終於Release 了 (2/14)。
下一個版本的 codename是 "Squeeze"
可以開始改 sources.list ?
Release Notes 中說得真清楚,竟然清楚列出eeepc, kuro box..
2009年2月12日 星期四
加一個以前換下來的 HD 到 Sempron26Debian..
接到 hdb 先看一下:
用 fdisk 刪除(d) partition 5, 2 然後再 create (n) parition:extend,create (n) partition : logical,然後就是:
這樣 mount 都不用先format (mkfs.ext3)。
所以 mount 在 ~/myhd 中。
決定還是在裡面 create folder,再用 link 到~/下好了。
先mv .VirtualBox 到 _toVirtualBox
再建link(ln -s myhd/_toVirtualBox .VirtualBox),然後 try virtualbox 會不會動... OK!
同樣,move vboxshare 過去,建 link..
OK. 這樣兩個 hd 都剩 30G.
Disk /dev/hdb: 82.3 GB, 82348277760 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 10011 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk identifier: 0x9b8c9b8c Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/hdb1 * 1 2501 20089251 7 HPFS/NTFS /dev/hdb2 2502 10011 60324075 f W95 Ext'd (LBA) /dev/hdb5 2502 10011 60324043+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA)所以用 extend 的部份就好了..
用 fdisk 刪除(d) partition 5, 2 然後再 create (n) parition:extend,create (n) partition : logical,然後就是:
Disk /dev/hdb: 82.3 GB, 82348277760 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 10011 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk identifier: 0x9b8c9b8c Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/hdb1 * 1 2501 20089251 7 HPFS/NTFS /dev/hdb2 2502 10011 60324075 5 Extended /dev/hdb5 2502 10011 60324043+ 83 Linux為了保險,重開機...
這樣 mount 都不用先format (mkfs.ext3)。
所以 mount 在 ~/myhd 中。
決定還是在裡面 create folder,再用 link 到~/下好了。
先mv .VirtualBox 到 _toVirtualBox
再建link(ln -s myhd/_toVirtualBox .VirtualBox),然後 try virtualbox 會不會動... OK!
同樣,move vboxshare 過去,建 link..
OK. 這樣兩個 hd 都剩 30G.
2009年2月9日 星期一
convert id tage
很麻煩的轉檔 id tag 轉語系,轉成 utf
有兩種:java 跟 python。
java : id3iconv - http://linuxtoy.org/archives/convert-locale.html
java -jar id3iconv -e gb2312 *.mp3python: mid3iconv , 這個要安裝 python-mutagen。http://gearspot.blogspot.com/2007/05/mid3iconvmp3tag.html
mid3iconv -e gbk --remove-v1 *.mp3
2009年2月6日 星期五
接著到kernel 下 make menuconfig。
Android mast - repo int and sync
這次照著 這個 document (Building Android(cupcake) for eee_pc)作..
結果,做完 repo init,create local_maniterst.xml , repo sync .. 就 fail。
所以這部份還是先 follow Androidx86 的文件 repo init 後,先作一次 repo sync。
這個花很多時間..花了5 hours ,.repo 這個folder 約 674M。 checkout 後,變成2.3G 然後再 create .repo/local_manifest.xml,再 repo sync..就沒 error 了。 為了節省以後的時間,把 .repo tar 起來... 但是不知道單純這樣解開有沒有用..
果然,zip 起來,也是 664M - 所以 .repo 真的是已經壓縮過...測試,在另一個 folder 解開 .repo,然後在 .repo 裡repo sync 可以恢復... 為求保險,在 android-cupcake sync 一個 cupcake branch 的 repo..
Git out success ! open port 9418
感激! MIS 老闆 打開了 NAT 的 port 9418。
所以把以前設的 GIT_PROXY_COMMAN 環境變數 unset 後,repo init 就可以出去了。
但是不知道是以前的init fail 的問題還是怎樣,出現 error,說我的 email 不是 valid domain。
>git config --global user.emal "charles@gmail.com"還刪掉 .repo。 之後,就可以 run rep init ... 了。 然後,接著的 repo sync 也 OK。
2009年2月3日 星期二
Git behind proxy
在公司用 git,因為有 proxy,所以找了一下,大部分都是說加上 http_proxy 環境變數後,原來是 git:// 的,改為 http:// 就可以了。
但是 這個是 repo,所以不能這樣用。
找到一篇:repo behine proxy
copy 一下內容:
這一篇有說明 socket command : git via a proxy server
Basically the steps are: 1 - sudo apt-get install socket 2 - in your home directory, put a shell script called "proxy-cmd.sh" containing (replace YOUR_PROXY and YOUR_PROXY_PORT with your own proxy parameters): #! /bin/bash (echo "CONNECT $1:$2 HTTP/1.0"; echo; cat ) | socket YOUR_PROXY YOUR_PROXY_PORT | (read a; read a; cat ) 3 - chmod +x proxy-cmd.sh 4 - export GIT_PROXY_COMMAND=<PATH TO YOUR SCRIPT>/proxy-cmd.sh Enjoy, Matthieu PS: you can export GIT_PROXY_COMMAND in your ~/.bashrc file to make this permanent還沒確認有沒有效...
這一篇有說明 socket command : git via a proxy server
From: Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw@lug-owl.de> Date: 2006-05-18 18:31:32 On Wed, 2006-05-17 20:44:28 -0700, Sam Song <samlinuxkernel@yahoo.com> wrote: > Petr Vandrovec <petr@vmware.com> wrote: > > Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw@lug-owl.de> wrote: > > > Well, install some package to have `socket' > > > available? Debian calls > > > the packet `socket', too, so I guess Fedora may > > > have something similar. > > > > Surprisingly they do not... You should be able to > > replace 'socket' with > > 'netcat' - and I believe that netcat/nc package is > > available for Fedora. For > > this purpose they have same command line & behavior. > > Ummm, I am trying on that. nc is avaiable for Fedora. > But what could be the replacement for CONNECT in > Fedora? :-) Erm, you haven't understood what you're doing there, have you? With the GIT_PROXY_COMMAND helper, you're expected to create a clean tunnel which in turn git can use to transfer its data. You've only got some limited internet connectivity via a HTTP proxy available, so you need to use this. This means: * The proxy administrator needs to allos outgoing connections for the CONNECT method with git's TCP port. * You need to have some minimalistic program to initially speak HTTP with the proxy and later on just stream the raw git protocol through the link. * You may or may not need to strip anything that came into the git stream by accident because you tunnled it through a HTTP proxy. A reply message from the proxy server is an example for this. So this little script (using "CONNECT" and netcat or socket) does the first part: it talks in the language HTTP with the proxy server. It may be enough to just use CONNECT, but you may need to speak some more lines, eg. for proxy authorization. The first `cat' in there is just for pushing the git protocol though the HTTP proxy connection later on (hopefully after the proxy was made to accept the the CONNECT request.) Once the proxy accepted it, it'll send you a HTTP/200 message (or something like that) and an empty line. This is what the two reads are for; the next `cat' simply again transfers all the rest (the git protocol). To draw the line, there's not _one_ solution to HTTP proxy tunneling, there are many, and you'll need to design one that fits your network. It should be quite simple, given that you've got nice tools like `strace' and `tcpdump', which will help you to understand how the proxy reacts and so on. MfG, JBG -- Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _ "Eine Freie Meinung in einem Freien Kopf | Gegen Zensur | Gegen Krieg _ _ O für einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! | im Irak! O O O ret = do_actions((curr | FREE_SPEECH) & ~(NEW_COPYRIGHT_LAW | DRM | TCPA)); - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
charles-chang@rbtlegacy:~/android-eee$ repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git Getting repo ... from git://android.git.kernel.org/tools/repo.git fatal: protocol error: bad line length character所以是 Fail... 不知道是不是公司的squid proxy 不允許 CONNECT 這個 operation. 同樣的一篇有說:
Note: most HTTP proxy servers allow CONNECT method to a very limited range of ports, and administrators will need to enable the git port (9418) explicitly.所以要問 MIS 有沒有 允許 CONNECT method和開啟 git 要用的 9418 port。
2009年2月2日 星期一
Sempron26Debian - 手動 update kernel 到 2.6.26
奇怪 linux-image 一直維持在 2.6.22-3 上,不會隨著 update 到 2.6.26。
所以手動 update : aptitude install linux-image-2.6
就安裝了 2.6.26。
2009年2月1日 星期日
Bookmark - android for Virtualbox
看來要build 一版 for Virtualbox 的才行。
ref : http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting/browse_thread/thread/66862bdb52dac936/8ffe04d6b3f9d4c0
copy 一下人家寫好的 how to.
大概是follow 先前的,但是 不用 checkout branch。
build完後 copy vendor/eeepc 下的 kernel.config 到 kernel 下作 menuconfig 重新 set kernel option for virtualbox, build kernel。
最後把 installer.img convert 成 virtualbox 吃的 vdi file。
這裡有 build 好的 Android for VirtualBox 的VDI 可以 download,download 後 用 VirtualBox run 就可以了 Android in VirtualBox
ref : http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting/browse_thread/thread/66862bdb52dac936/8ffe04d6b3f9d4c0
copy 一下人家寫好的 how to.
大概是follow 先前的,但是 不用 checkout branch。
build完後 copy vendor/eeepc 下的 kernel.config 到 kernel 下作 menuconfig 重新 set kernel option for virtualbox, build kernel。
最後把 installer.img convert 成 virtualbox 吃的 vdi file。
Hi, all How to use x86 android platform on virtualbox =============================================== Last modified by Lim,GeunSik on 8-Jan,2009 Current Work status is not finished. But, I opened and shared to combine with developers for this tasks all over the world. Why I like virtualbonx in Linux distribution like Fedora 9? This is Major characteristics per Virtualization Software. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Linux WinXP Opensource Free Quick Install ------------------------------------------------------------------- M$ Virtual PC X O X O O VMwareServer O O X O O VMwareWorkstation O O X X O Parallels O O X X O QEMU O O O O O Virtualbox O O O O O XEN O X O O X KVM O X O O X ----------------------------------------------------------------- acirc;�� 1. Development environments * OS: Feodra 9 ( Linux 2.6.27-9 ) * GCC: gcc(gcc 4.3.0) and gcc34 (gcc 3.4) <- I recommend gcc 3.4 compat-compiler to build x86 android fullsource. * Glibc: glibc 2.6 (NPTL Thread Model) * PC: Samsung MagicStation DB-P70 Model * CPU : Interl Core2 Quad CPU Q9300 (2.50Ghz) , bogomips is 4,987.50 , cache size 3,072kb * MEM: Samsung DDR2 2G * Reference: Midhun & Chen Yang's posting at http://groups.google.com/ and http://source.android.com * Additional information: When i finished this task finally, I will upload final howto using WYSWYG and figures at http://www.kandroid.org. �2. Build kernel source for VirtualBox software. Fedora9$ cd ~/bin_x86/mydroid Fedora9$ cp ./vendor/asus/eee_701/kernel.config kernel/.config Fedora9$ cd kernel Fedora9$ make menuconfig * Network device for virtualbox s/w network device support -> Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) ---> [*] EISA, VLB, PCI and on board controllers <*> AMD PCnet32 PCI support <- We need virtual lan infra in virtualization like vmware or virtualbox. * To support FB on virtualbox environment. Graphics support ---> <*> Support for frame buffer devices ---> [*] VESA VGA graphics support <- Unfortunately, Vesa VGA support 800X600 resolution. Console display driver support ---> <*> Framebuffer Console support [*] Select compiled-in fonts [*] VGA 8x8 font [*] VGA 8x16 font * Disable pmem allocator if your kernel is 2.6.27 base. [*] Misc devices ---> [ ] Android pmem allocator (NEW) If you are using 2.6.27 based x86 android full source, Disable "PMEM" feature in "make menuconfig menu. pmem is only needed for certain devices requiring large physically contiguous memory on the MSM7XXX (GPU,DSP, etc). It's not currently used by any other SoCs and its absence is not a fatal error. ------------------------------------------------------------------- * MSM7XXX (GPU,DSP, etc): YUV --> pmem ---> VideoLayer * Another Chip: YUV --> mEmulation(ro.kernel.qemu=1) --> /dev/fb0(RGB) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fedora9$ make bzImage Fedora9$ ls ./arch/x86/boot/ Ref) If you want to build 2.6.27 based android kernel at http://android.git.kernel.org webstie, you may apply alsa related the patch at http://review.source.android.com/6751 �3. convert installer.img to installer.vmdk with virtualbox Fedora9$ cd ~/bin_x86/mydroid/out/target/product/eee_701 Fedora9$ rpm -ivh http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/2.1.0/VirtualBox-2.1.0_4114... Fedora9$ VBoxManage --help | grep Version VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 2.1.0 Fedora9$ VBoxManage convertfromraw -static -format VDI ./ installer.img ./installer.vdi (X) Fedora9$ VBoxManage convertfromraw -format VDI ./ installer.img ./installer.vdi (O) VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 2.1.0 (C) 2005-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Wrong owner (0) of '/tmp/.vbox-invain-ipc'. Converting from raw image file="installer.img" to file="./ installer.vdi"... Creating dynamic image with size 406871040 bytes (389MB)... Fedora9$ file ./installer.vdi ./installer.vdi: data OR Fedora9$ vditool DD installer.vdi *.img Fedora9$ vditool SHRINK installer.vdi �4. Setting of virtualbox Open "Sun VirtualBox" software ->Click on New -> Next - Name = it as "AsusAndrioid" - OStype=Linux - Version=2.6 - RAM=256MB - Hard Disks= Slot Checked Boot Harddisk with IDE Primary Master �5. booting android kernel in virtualbox s/w. 1) When I start the installer.vdi in virtualbox software, it hangs on grub Loading stage 2 step. Below is error screenshot to help understanding. So, you have to push F12 key fastly as soon as start installer.vdi with virtualbox. Remember "Press F12 to select boot device" message in virtual box window. 2) When you press F12 key and it shows the following: 0: sys_loader 1: recovery 2: std_boot (* default selection) 3) Option "0: sys_loader" is selected by default when kernel boot in virtualbox. * Option 0: sys_loader 0: cmdline (hd0,0)/cmdline 1: kernel --use-cmd-line (hd0,0)/kernel 2: initrd (hd0,0)/ramdisk * Option 1: recovery 0: cmdline (hd0,2)/cmdline 1: kernel --use-cmd-line (hd0,2)/kernel 2: initrd (hd0,2)/ramdisk * Option 2: std_boot 0: cmdline (hd0,2)/cmdline 1: kernel --use-cmd-line (hd0,2)/kernel 2: initrd (hd0,2)/ramdisk Now, I din't find "/boot/grub/menu.lst" file for bootloader like Feodra or Ubuntu. Belows is process informations using top command. #> cat /proc/version Linux version 2.6.25-00101-gb6922fa (dmitr...@weppard.mtv.corp.google.com) (gcc version 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 19 11:52:46 PST 2008 #> cat /proc/partitions major minor #blocks name ......... Above Omission .......... 8 0 397335 sda 8 1 4439 sda1 8 2 391872 sda2 � 5. Modify kernel cmd line like Linux: *** Select No 2 "2: std_boot (* default selection)" after F12 key. Remove "--use-cmd-line" option in Linux boot display. Append "androidboot.hardware=eee_701 vga=788" options in Linux boot display Highlighted entry is 2: GNU GRUB version 0.97 (639K lower / 261056K upper memory) 0: cmdline (hd0,2)/cmdline 1: kernel --use-cmd-line (hd0,2)/kernel 2: initrd (hd0,2)/ramdisk .......... Omission ......... Highlighted entry is 0: Todo: But, bootloader is not found (hd0,2) because (hd0,2) partition is not exist. Booting command-list cmdline (hd0,2)/cmdline Error 22: No such partition Press any key to continue ... � 6. Mount "* img" to /dev/block/sda2 device node. Use installer command /data directory. #> system/bin/installer -p /dev/block/sda2 It gives an error that the total requested size is greater than the disk size as belows. " Total requested size of partitins (1,644,167,168) is greater than disk size (406,871,040)." (My image size is 387 MB and it is looking for around 1.5GB space). #> ls /data/ userdata.img boot.img system.img bootldr.bin lost+found OR Fedora9#> mkdir /data/boot Fedora9#> mount -t ext2 /dev/block/sda2 /data/boot Fedora9#> echo " vga=788" > /data/boot/cmdline Fedora9#> umount /data/boot
這裡有 build 好的 Android for VirtualBox 的VDI 可以 download,download 後 用 VirtualBox run 就可以了 Android in VirtualBox
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- AndroidFanatic - News and Forume
- mplayer -vo caca : play video on console
- ARM GCC Inline Assembler
- Lenny Released
- 加一個以前換下來的 HD 到 Sempron26Debian..
- convert id tage
- 接著到kernel 下 make menuconfig。 http://virtuallysho...
- Android mast - repo int and sync
- Git out success ! open port 9418
- Git behind proxy
- Sempron26Debian - 手動 update kernel 到 2.6.26
- 明天的備忘..
- Bookmark - android for Virtualbox