ubuntu 在 R40e 上 還有 Debian 在 Sempron 2600 上

2012年4月6日 星期五

bluez test tool - l2test, l2ping

bluez 有一些 bluetooth 測試的 tool:
像 ping 一樣動作的 l2ping: 先用 hcitool scan 掃一下 附近 device 的 Address 用 l2ping XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 就像網路的 ping 一樣,會回報回應時間。

也有類似 iperf 一樣的 持續 send, rec 的 client -- server mode testing program:
Usage: l2test [options] [bdaddr] Modes: -r listen and receive -w listen and send -d listen and dump incoming data -x listen, then send, then dump incoming data -t listen, then send and receive at the same time -q connect, then send and receive at the same time -s connect and send -u connect and receive -n connect and be silent -y connect, then send, then dump incoming data -c connect, disconnect, connect, ... -m multiple connects -p trigger dedicated bonding -z information request Options: [-b bytes] [-i device] [-P psm] [-I imtu] [-O omtu] [-L seconds] enable SO_LINGER [-W seconds] enable deferred setup [-B filename] use data packets from file [-N num] send num frames (default = infinite) [-C num] send num frames before delay (default = 1) [-D milliseconds] delay after sending num frames (default = 0) [-X mode] select retransmission/flow-control mode [-F fcs] use CRC16 check (default = 1) [-Q num] Max Transmit value (default = 3) [-Z size] Transmission Window size (default = 63) [-R] reliable mode [-G] use connectionless channel (datagram) [-U] use sock stream [-A] request authentication [-E] request encryption [-S] secure connection [-M] become master [-T] enable timestamps 實際使用:
Server 的 command: l2test -I 2000 -r
Client 的 command: l2test -O 2000 -s XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

  1. http://www.jeremythompson.uklinux.net/RH8-0/bluezhowto.pdf


